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Year Two: Badgers Class


Miss Ferguson

Mrs Scottow, Mrs Davies, Mrs Makolski, Mrs Vata & Mr Bates


Welcome to Year Two and Badgers class. Here you will find useful information about what we have been learning and what we will be learning over the half-term.


Wow, we have had a very busy first half-term in Year Two! Here's a taster of what we have been getting up to...

In English, we have been studying the book Traction Man by Mini Grey. We learnt the story, by answering comprehension questions and demonstrating our understanding. Using actions and voices, we acted out key parts of the story as a class. Plotting the key events on our story maps helped us to understand how the exciting plot of the story developed. We studied the language within the story and then innovated it using ideas of our own. We have learnt how to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to make our writing accurate. We then learnt how to add lots of description using adjectives and expanded noun phrases too. Our half-term ended with us becoming real life authors, using all the skills we had learnt within our own superhero story innovations!

In Maths we began the term learning about place value, developing our knowledge of one and two-digit numbers. We learnt how to partition and solve problems by partitioning in different ways. Following this, we learnt how to estimate numbers on a number line and then used our comparison skills to state whether numbers were less than, equal to or greater than another number.

This then led to our work on addition and subtraction, where we used lots of different resources to help us further understand addition to ten, over ten, and to 100. We then applied this knowledge to similar subtraction questions, subtracting from ten, over ten and from any ten number. We have worked very hard in class to remember our number bonds, which has really helped us solve some very tricky questions!

In Geography, we have learnt all about life in Kampong Ayer. First we learnt about where it is and what the weather is like there. We understand now, that the Equator and the proximity of countries to it, has a great impact on the climate within a country. Learning about how people travel, how people live and how people enjoy their lives there has really helped us make some great comparisons to life here in the UK. 

In History, we have completed a very interesting sequence of learning all about how life has changed within schools. We had great fun learning all about how children were sanctioned in the past, what they ate for lunch and where their toilets were! After speaking to our visitor, Mrs Rigby, and asking her some brilliant questions, we all decided we really appreciate how our school is now!

In PE, we have been exploring how to use our bodies to move in different ways, both with high apparatus and low equipment. 

Our learning about rights and responsibilities helped us to write our class learning charters. We understand that we have rights as children, and that we have responsibilities too.

This has truly been a fantastic half-term Year Two. Every one of the Year Two team are so very proud of how well you have settled in to your new classes and how very hard you have worked. Have a fantastic break and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all for another exciting half-term!














Please see our Learning Web below which outlines our learning for next half term:


The children in Badgers class have made a very positive start to the year. We are very much looking forward to working with you all and making this year a very successful one! 

Please see our Learning Web below which outlines our learning for this half term:


Please do contact our Year 2 Lead, Mr McGovern if you would like any further information on our Year 2 curriculum. 


Follow these links to support your children's learning at home:

White Rose 1 Minute Maths

Purple Mash

BBC Bitesize Year Two

Read, Write Inc Phonics